The boring rants of a lazy nerd

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Personal - Ill

I have the flu. Almost a week now, and although I think I'm recovering, it's very slow. Symptoms are mostly headache and fever (upto and including 38.5°C), when I'm not all drugged up. Got a single day of sick leave (yay). I'm self-medicating the top rated quotes from Recommended to persons not offended by swear words.


Anonymous said...

Refuah Shlema!
And the army is soooo stupid - this ridiculous thing of "no gimelim unless your temperature is 38 or higher" is crazy.

First - it means you can't take medication until you've been to the doctor. second - if the temperature isn't 38 but you're feeling crummy then they don't give you sick leave.
How flipping stupid is that?

Meanwhile, I re-re-read the hallowed hunt. It's very different from the other two, but so hard to explain... it's less accesible perhaps. wierder. darker. and just completely different. I hope you get to it soon...

-The owner of the day of the triffids

Wolf550e said...

The Army is not stupid. It reacts in the only way it can. The people who lie to doctors to get sick leave are to blame for making the medical staff overly cautious, not the doctors or the policy makers.

Damn, I should get a commission just for saying such crap. I'm a disgruntled NCO damn it! Of course the army is stupid! Screw the system, discharge everyone, move to Canada!

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