The boring rants of a lazy nerd

Monday, May 31, 2004

HP fandom - new (Book 5) ships

I mean the ones that include the new characters from the Order (Any Prof. Toad ships out there?). Especially FifteenYO!Harry/Tonks. It's illegal, and immoral, but it works. It will never happen in canon, but I think it's IC, or at least can be made IC, in ways that H/H for example can't. Am I hallucinating? Edit: I'm not alone. The HMS Honks (for Harry/Tonks) has a LiveJournal community.


Teri said...

I have more of a soft spot for Lupin/Tonks, not to mention an Evil!Tonks theory -- but I can see your point. The problem, however, is that I think Tonks -- beneath her youth and nonchalant attitude -- is really quite sharp-minded and mature, and would regard any interest from Harry as just a cute little crush. Fifteen-year-old Harry anyway. Now, seventeen-year-old Harry...

On the other hand, she can't exactly argue that she's too old for him in terms of emotional and/or life experience, heh heh.

R.J. Anderson said...

I'm still wondering if there's any Alastor/Tonks out there... and whether I really want to know. It's one of those ships that could be done quite well, or really REALLY badly, and knowing HP fandom, it's more likely to be the latter...

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