The boring rants of a lazy nerd

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Where I want to spend the next five years of my life

Step Seven is, for better or for worse, done. Now it�s only to wrap up Java and learn to parade. No, it�s not West Point, nothing as elaborate, but we have to show the parents something, and most won�t understand what it means that almost three years of software engineering was packed into six months.


  1. Matzov
  2. Modiin
  3. Mamram
  4. Mamka
  5. Avir
  6. LamedAlef
  7. Matnatz
  8. Shob
  9. Yam
  10. Maam
  11. Mamtal
  12. Basmah
  13. Mekarpar
This post was intentionally left unintelligible.

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