Top 30 List of "You Know You're a Harry Potter Fanatic When...."
- You refer to other people as "Muggles."
- You search your garden for gnomes.
- You take your broom outside and say "UP!" until you get tired.
- You go to King's Cross-station on Sept. 1 and watch for Hogwarts students.
- You break both arms trying to get to platform 9 3/4.
- You know more about Quidditch than any actual, real-life sport.
I'm not into competitive activities in general, so that's pretty much accurate. - You talk about Harry Potter so much that your friends are either sick of hearing about it or they finally read they books and become Harry Potter fans as well.
I can spectacularly geek out on both the IT/PC Enthusiast/CS and HP fronts. Some people can tolerate one mode, a couple can withstand both for very brief periods of time, but most are very scared from either. - You read the books out loud to yourself in a British accent.
"Oh, come one, it's so fun!" - Exactly. - You spend 10 hours a day writing e-mails and such for Harry Potter message boards and RPGs.
I used to, back on the HPC. - You go into withdrawal if you haven't visited something Harry Potter related in the past 1 hour.
I can last 24 hours without any symptoms and am very proud at this accomplishment. - You go to a movie you don't really want to see just for the H.P. trailer.
Can't afford it and don't particularly like the AOL-TW rendition anyway. - Every time your computer says, "You've got mail" you run outside, looking for owls.
- Every little thing reminds you of something in Harry Potter.
Or gives me outrageous plot bunnies. Yesss. - You can recite passages from the books by heart.
"Can't everyone?" - Exactly - You frequently dare people: "Come on, quiz me, quiz me on HP!"
- You KNOW the title of the seventh book.
- You've been arrested (more than once) for breaking into Mrs. Rowlings' house and searching for the last paragraph of HP 7. (She says it would be a disaster if it were published. I wonder what it contains?)
- You say a password before entering your house.
- You say "Lumos" before you turn on the lights.
- Whenever someone uses the phrase "you-know-who," you instinctively think "Voldemort."
I catch myself doing that at times. - You have a cat named Crookshanks, a rat named Scabbers or Wormtail, a lizard named Norbert, and a dog named Fluffy, Snuffles, or Padfoot.
I would have, have I had a pet. - You go to the zoo and try to speak to the boa constrictor.
- You made Butterbeer and served it to your friends
- You tried to make Pumpkin Juice.
- You've taken a pencil, pointed it to the television remote, & shouted: "Accio Remote," becoming disapointed when it wouldn't come.
- You seriously think about which Harry Potter character you could play in the movie, and memorize all their lines.
- You're an American and you start using Britishn slang terms like "git," "bloody," "nutters," and "prat."
Man oh man. When I'm not watching myself, I have the weirdest accent and vocabulary you can imagine. Worse. - Your first question to every new person you meet is, "Have you read the Harry Potter series?" If they have, you'd just made a new best friend & if not, your opinion of them falls drastically.
- You've stayed up all night reading HP FanFics.
I have skipped my entire senior year of high school reading fanfic. - You think the next 23 days are going to be the longest in your life!!