The boring rants of a lazy nerd
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Personal - I'm alive
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Tech - Rich vs. Web client
Commentary - Stating the obvious
Sunday, June 13, 2004
HP Fandom - PoA movie
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Personal - Life Assessment Quiz
This Blog - XFN friendly
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Cool - Movie: Revenge Of The Nerds
I laughed out loud at some of the scenes and lines while watching this flick. It's a classic, and I can't believe I've never seen it before. Some of the things I've actually heard/seen
What I don't understand is why it had to be pro-drugs, voyeurism, infidelity and premarital sex (though I honestly don't mind the later half as much as the first three). Also, it was too short, too cliché (for nowadays at least) and too predictable. The characters were underdeveloped "Made in China" cardboard cuts and the plot was too far fetched (not to sound trite, but "fiction, unlike real life, has to make sense").
To sum it up: Some of the lines are part of public consciousness, but don't feel compelled to waste 90 minutes of your life, unless you're a nerd and have nothing better to do.
Thanks for minding my well rounded education, Lou, but it didn’t make me feel better. :-(
Friday, June 04, 2004
Web Tech - Training IE
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
HP Fandom/Web Tech - redesign
I'm a markup Nazi, I say that upfront. I obsessively view source
. I abhor Office-html. Mismatched angle brackets make me cringe. I know users don't care. Because of Tag Soup and Explorer's lenity, all user agents render, more or less in the best way possible almost any content, even the foulest things mangled by not too smart regular _expressions (100 points to the house of the first person who spots the reference).
But looking at this new design, I want to cry. What is that panel on the right? Why must I increase the font size to be able to read John's excellent fic? Why can't I increase the font size in the most popular browser on the web (considering the probable number of geeky Mozilla or Opera users in fandom, close to 99.9% of readers are M$IE users)?
Edit: Ooh, "for print" version. Now I'm satisfied. :-)
About Me
- Wolf550e
- GCS d- s-: a-- C++$ UL++ P+++ L+++ E--- W+++ N o? K? w++$ !O !M !V PS-(+) PE Y+ PGP+(-) t--@ 5++(+++) !X R-- tv-- b+>++ DI+++ D+ G e h! r* y--(-)>+++